Transparent Limiting Made Easy
Pure Limiter was designed to provide clean transparent limiting and to preserve the sonic integrity of the audio material even when dramatically increasing the average audio level. Used at the very last stage of your audio processing chain you get full control on your levels, without introducing any artifacts on the processed audio material.
Pure Limiter
Clean transparent limiting with full control of the audio levels even on dramatically increased levels, without any artifacts introduced on the processed audio material.
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All Features
- Up to 16 channels Input/Output
- Input/Output gain controls for adjusting the levels before and after processing
- Release and Filter Controls for the Release settings and High/Low pass filters setting the highest/lowest frequency feeding the Release section.
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- Lookahead (0/20 ms), for a decrease in the gain before any potential audio peaks. a key-point for avoiding audio distortion.
- Link Channels, linking the limiting on one channel to limit the other(s) as well.
- Make Up gain, increases the output gain from the threshold value.
- Waveform and Limiting Action Display with two display alternatives, A, waveform of the output signal and the limiting action in red, B, waveform of the output signal as a histogram and the limiting action displayed in red on a separate histogram with a blue line reflecting the release value.
- True bypass control routing the incoming signal direct to the output for a smooth transition between clean and processed signal.
Preset and Parameter Handling
- Preset/Parameter slots
- To enhance the workflow the two Preset/Parameter slots, A and B, can be loaded with two full set of parameters at the same time. Apart from saving each preset, a “Global Preset” containing both the A and B settings, and the position of the “Morphing Slider”, can be saved.
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- Parameter Morphing Slider with Automation
- The Morphing Slider provides morphing between the parameter settings of slot A/B allowing for really creative and useful real-time tweaking. Enabling the Automation control button exposes the Morphing Slider to the host automation.
- Open Sound Control Support

Full control over the processing
In addition to the common controls on a limiter; Input, Output, Threshold and Knee, Pure Limiter offers control over the fundamental characteristics of the processing, all in order to provide full control over the processing even in the most demanding situations.
Envelope and Detection Settings
- Dynamics processing Envelope Modes (Manual, Auto, Advanced)
- Release Max / Min (for Manual and Advanced Mode)
- Dynamic High Pass / Low Pass Filter – Frequencies feeding the release control
- Dynamic Velocity – Controls the speed of variation on the extracted dynamics information
- Dynamic Factor – Amplifies or diminishes the extracted real-time dynamics information.
- Channels Link
Three different operation modes
Pure Limiter offers three different operation modes, the automatic mode allows for quick and efficient operation, and for full control of the processing a Manual Mode and an Advanced Mode is provided.
- Manual – Offering a classic approach to the parameter options
- Automatic – Requires minimum user interaction to achieve great results
- Advanced – Provides full control of all parameters when required
Three different operation modes
Pure Limiter offers three different operation modes, the automatic mode allows for quick and efficient operation, and for full control of the processing a Manual Mode and an Advanced Mode is provided.
- Manual – Offering a classic approach to the parameter options
- Automatic – Requires minimum user interaction to achieve great results
- Advanced – Provides full control of all parameters when required
Waveform Display Modes
In order to assist and simplify the processing setup, Pure Limiter features two display modes:
- Mode A – Displays the waveforms of both the input signal and the processed signal.
- Mode B – Displays the processed waveform, the limiter action and the histogram of the release value, which is really helpful when running in advanced mode.
Dual Preset Slots and Parameter Morphing
The built in preset manager and the preset morphing slider, provides instant and intuitive control of all parameters and controls. In a second, with a simple one-click operation, everything is copied from one of the two preset slots to the other, even during playback.
The two Preset/Parameter slots, A and B, can be loaded with two full set of parameters at the same time, and except for only A/B comparing two sets of parameters, the morphing slider will allow to mix them, and to record the morph with the host automation
Dual Preset Slots and Parameter Morphing
The built in preset manager and the preset morphing slider, provides instant and intuitive control of all parameters and controls. In a second, with a simple one-click operation, everything is copied from one of the two preset slots to the other, even during playback.
The two Preset/Parameter slots, A and B, can be loaded with two full set of parameters at the same time, and except for only A/B comparing two sets of parameters, the morphing slider will allow to mix them, and to record the morph with the host automation