Jan 19, 2023 | En Français, Uncategorized
Meung-Sur-Loire, France – Janvier 2023 FLUX:: Immersive, pionnier dans la conception de plug-in audio, l’analyse et les outils de production audio immersifs, est aujourd’hui fier d’annoncer la sortie du pack de plugins EVO:: SERIES PACK. Le...
Nov 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
Marcoussis et Orléans, France – Octobre 2021 Aujourd’hui la consommation de divertissement étant avide d’expériences riches et immersives, l’audio immersif tend à devenir un élément central dans divers flux de travail de production. Cependant,...
Jun 12, 2020 | Blog, Immersive, Spat Revolution Technical Articles, Events, Community, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
From Pre-Production to Live Show at the 360 Paris Music Factory Democracy for Immersive Audio – Introducing the use of immersive audio in a performing arts venue is not a crazy exclusive scientific stunt, and not something that is out of reach today. In the...
May 1, 2020 | Blog, Immersive, Spat Revolution Technical Articles, Technical Articles, Community, Tips, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
The easiest and fastest way to get started with Spat Revolution in a DAW environment is by using the Local Audio Path mode, running Spat on the same workstation as the DAW. To facilitate this and to get started easily, we have created sessions and templates for a...
Apr 9, 2020 | Immersive, Spat Revolution User Stories, Blog, Community, User Stories, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
Tokyo, Japan – April 2020… Shinjuku has a long history as one of Tokyo’s most vibrant areas, and Waseda is arguably the district’s cultural and creative nexus. The area is home to the renowned Waseda University, as well as numerous museums, theaters, night clubs, and...
Apr 3, 2020 | Blog, Immersive, News & Press, Events, Community, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
We are pleased to invite you for a 2 hour live online training session on the FLUX:: IRCAM Spat Revolution software. In this training session, we will explore the use of the software and learn how to design various types of systems, study use cases and look at...